AM+A designed the appearance and assisted in the overall UI development for a Web-based task management and project collaboration application. needed AM+A to design the appearance and detailed interaction for its Web-based task management and project collaboration application. Working from an existing prototype, AM+A quickly re-organized commands and displays, and upgraded the appearance design to prepare for a round of user assessment sessions and investor presentations.
Intended as a light project management tool for individuals and groups, provides a means to record, classify, sort, assign, and track tasks related to projects that may involve large, geographically dispersed teams. It also provides e-mail and scheduling tools to further facilitate tele-collaboration. A major challenge for the UI design effort was to provide a way to display and sort tasks by a variety of attributes, such as due date, urgency, assignor, status, and others.
To allow precise organization of the anticipated high accumulation of user tasks, AM+A recommended implementing’s task display filtering system by using picklists. This allows users to categorize tasks by several variables, and then control how and when they appear in the “To Do” List. AM+A also differentiated major screens from minor ones by combining a tab-like high level navigation with small child windows.
Posted on 23 July 2008 in Archives | No Comments » You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.